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“Trust when I tell you, again, that Eidolon is the best game I’ve played this year. Trust when I tell you that, given a chance, Eidolon can be a deeply personal game to any type of player, and trust when I tell you that you should give it that chance.”
10/10 – Coffee Break Gaming

“Eidolon is the most beautiful game I´ve ever thrown up in ... The pace is meditative, the gameplay is simple, and the narrative is as giant and nuanced as the world itself.”

“[...] for those of us who love to explore, and who love the freedom to go when and where we want, there is something special and genuinely thrilling about Eidolon.”
Discover Games

Eidolon is a game about exploring a mysterious landscape and uncovering the stories of the people who lived there once before. It is a game about history, curiosity, interconnectedness, and the slow and inevitable beauty of life.

You will be dropped into the dreary and mystical Western Washington circa 2400 c.e. with little to guide your way. Awaiting you is a vast landscape filled with wildlife, edible plants, and the memories of our now-dead culture—stored in artefacts such as journals, sketchbooks, newspapers, zines, brochures, transcripts, blogs, and more. Collect these memories and piece together what happened to these people.

Over 150 documents telling the interconnected stories of dozens of characters across hundreds of years.
An enormous, hand-sculpted Western Washington that takes multiple hours to cross.
Day/night cycle and dynamic weather.
Varied flora and fauna (both predators and prey).

MAC USERS: Please read system requirements carefully!

Цена: 0.37 $.

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